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Tube Microphone in Studio

 Singing Lessons 


A healthy approach to singing is key to keeping your vocal folds from fatigue, strain, and damage. Having trouble reaching the high notes? Discover your mixed voice, and blend your lower register to your upper register without strain. Contact me directly for more information on discovering your mix, or book a lesson today and begin learning how to achieve your healthy, effortless voice. 


With unlimited access to all music from the classical repertoire through to today's hits, Matthew will teach you to sing the songs you love. Request a song during your lesson, and begin working on it immediately! It's singing, after all, and you should love the material you are working on. Book a lesson today and let's get started! 


Ready for the next step? Want to record your songs and show off the work you've done? Record your voice on state-of-the-art Logic Pro Studio software. Matthew will provide you with a copy of your session at no extra cost. Access to professional quality recording is open to all Matthew's vocal students, and is included in your lesson fee. Upload to SoundCloud or YouTube and let your voice be heard!

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